ट्राफिक नाराहरू
- मादक पदार्थ सेवन गरी सवारी साधन नचलाऔं ।
- सवारी साधन चलाउँदा आवश्यक कागजात सधैं साथमा लिएर हिँड्ने गरौं ।
- तिव्र गति जिवन क्षति ।
- सडकमा ट्राफिक नियमको पालना गरौं ।
- हतार गरी सवारी साधन कहिल्यै नचलाऔं र हतारमा सडक पार समेत नगरौं ।
- सडकमा ध्यान केन्द्रित गरेर मात्र सवारी साधन चलाऔं ।
- सवारी चलाउँदा मोबाईल फोनको प्रयोग नगरौं ।
- आफुभन्दा अगाडीको सवारी साधनसँग Braking Distance कायम गरेर मात्र सवारी साधन चलाऔं ।
- सवारी चालकले सीट बेल्टको प्रयोग गरौं ।
- कुहिरो लागेको बेलामा Fog Light को प्रयोग गरौं ।
- दाँया बायाँ मोड्दा समयमै साइडलाइटको प्रयोग गरौं ।
- सधैं बस बिसौनीबाट मात्र चढ्ने र ओर्लने गरौं ।
- सुरक्षित स्थानमा र दाहिने तर्फबाट मात्रै Overtake गर्ने बानी बसालौं ।
- बिच सडकमा सवारी रोकी अरू सवारी साधनलाई बाधा नपुरयाऔं ।
- ठूलो आवाजमा संगीत बजाएर सवारी साधन नचलाऔं ।
- मोटरसाईकल चालकले अनिवार्य रूपमा कान छोपिने हेल्मेट प्रयोग गरी फिता समेत बाँध्ने गरौं ।
- आफु खुशी कुनै पनि सवारी साधनको स्वरूप परिवर्त नगरौं ।
- पैदलयात्रु तथा मो.सा. चालकले रातको समयमा सेतो वा चम्किलो लुगा लगाएर हिडौं ।
- सवारी साधनको छतमा बसेर यात्रा नगरौं ।
- घुम्ति तथा रोकीराखेको ठूलो सवारी साधनको अगाडी वा पछाडिबाट बाटो काट्ने नगरौं ।
- फुटपाथ भएको सडकमा फुटपाथबाट मात्रै हिँड्ने गरौं ।
- फुटपाथ नभएको सडकमा सडकको दाहिने किनाराबाट हिँड्ने गरौं ।
- दुर्घटनाको पिडा चालक आफैंलाई हुन्छ, ट्राफिक प्रहरी हुँदैन ।
- ट्राफिक नियम मिचेकोमा गर्व होइन लाज मान्ने गरौं ।
- विस्तारै गए अवश्य पुगिन्छ, छिटो गए भन्न सकिन्न ।
- विना नम्बरको On Test सवारी साधन नचलाऔं ।
- सवारी साधन सुरक्षित रूपले चलाउनुहोस्, घरमा तपाइलाई तपाइको परिवारले पर्खीराखेका छन् ।
- सवारी साधन चलाउनु पूर्व चेकजाँच गरेर मात्र सवारी चलाउनुहोस् ।
- रातको समयमा अरू सवारीलाई बाधा हुने गरी High लाईटको प्रयोग नगर्नुहोस् ।
- We want you safe.
- Drive carefully, to live joyfully.
- Your safety our concern, keep safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you.
- Don't apply breaks suddenly; someone could hit you from behind.
- Don't get lost in the music in your car.
- Footboard traveling can be hazardous.
- Don't let a minor drive your vehicle.
- Watch out for a child, running on road.
- Watch out for a animal on road.
- Watch out for a speed breaker.
- Exercise tolerance, respect other's rights.
- Overtake with caution and care.
- A motorbike is for two, not for too many.
- Traffic rules are life saving tools.
- Break should be perfect.
- Don't drive if feeling dizzy, or sleepy.
- Clean the windscreen before driving.
- Use the mirrors for rear or side view. They are your third eye.
- Watch the rear before reversing your car.
- Yours wipers should be perfect.
- Do not dazzle… drive with dipper on.
- Use the fog light in foggy weather.
- Drive with both blinkers on in dense fog or in heavy rain.
- Slow down at sundown.
- Apply breaks judiciously, not abruptly.
- Better late, than never.
- Cardinal 'C' of road etiquette: care, corsetry, & consideration.
- Be cautions, life is precious.
- Mobile off & seatbelts on.
- Follow traffic rules save life & fuel.
- Put a control on speed & mind.
- Give way to traffic on your right.
- Don't be rash, lest you crash.
- Drive fine, avoid fine.
- Horn with reason.
- Caution & care make accidents rare.
- A little care makes accidents rare.
- Alert today, alive tomorrow.
- Drive carefully, drive again.
- Obey traffic rules.
- Give way to pedestrians first.
- Stop before a zebra crossing.
- Tyres should not be bald.
- Wear seatbelts.
- Use he rear view mirror while driving.
- Ride safely, stay alive.
- Use your helmets.
- Be patient, drive with care.
- Drinking and driving kills.
- I love to obey the traffic rules.
- Drugs, drinking and driving ,Don't do it.
- Road safety, no accidents.
- Use standard helmet with secured straps.
- Don't unbalance your vehicle.
- Don't keep ducky of your car open.
- Children should sit on the rear seats.
- Accident brings tear, safety brings cheer.
- Fast drive could be your last drive.
- Speed is a five letter, word & so is death.
- Check that your blinkers are properly functioning.
- I will tell my papa… To put helmet properly while on a two wheeler.
- Not to use mobile phone while driving.
- To drive safely & follow traffic rules.
- Speed thrills but kills.
- All accidents are preventable.
- Safety is everyone's responsibility.
- Lane driving is safe driving.
- Help the Traffic police to help you.
- Good road manner marks a good citizen.
- Don't mix drinking & driving.
- Safe drive, long life.
- Kill your speed, don't kill others & yourself.
- Driving 40km/h saves others & you.
- There is a thin line between life & death.
- Stop,look,walk be safe, be streetsmarts.
- Don't leave your life on the road.